Jeopardy winners vs an IBM computer – Join us to watch the championship round

  • Date: Wednesday February 16, 2011
  • Location: SC&I Faculty Lounge

Jeopardy (yes, the game show!) is pitting the skills of two of its champions against an IBM super-computer named Watson. Watson uses state-of-the-art natural language processing and machine learning techniques and is rumored to be able to get about half of the questions right. IBM is billing the computer as “the smartest machine in the world.”

The three-part series will air from Monday 2/14 to Wednesday 2/16 at 7pm on most ABC stations.

We invite you to join us to watch the final round on Wednesday 2/16 at 7 pm in the SC&I Faculty Lounge. After the show, we’ll chat informally about the technology behind Watson and consider how smart Watson really is.
