The Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society – SALTS – is a distinctive research lab that seeks advances in theory, method, and applications at the intersection of language, discourse, and computation by bringing together investigators from across disciplines in social science, humanities, and computer science.
- Develop methodology that integrates social science and computational methods for investigating language and discourse in fundamental processes of communication, information, and media.
- Advance theory and practice for supporting communication, information, and media processes across cultural, social, geographic, and technical boundaries with applied language technology.
- Develop next-generation natural language processing and applied language technology for significant social contexts such as health, environment, policy, education, digital libraries, and media.
SALTS Activities
- Collaborative Research Projects with members and global affiliates
- Training and Working Sessions
- Seminars, Guest Speakers, and Colloquia
Email: salts-admin@rutgers.edu